Holiday Shortbread Pinwheels

Holiday Shortbread Pinwheels

Melt-in-your mouth buttery goodness, you NEED to make these colorful pinwheels for your holiday cookie platter! Super festive, super simple, and super delicious, these are also a gluten-free delight.


228  grams      unsalted butter, room temperature

84    grams      confectioner’s sugar

176  grams      white rice flour

50    grams      tapioca starch

42    grams      cornstarch

3       grams      xanthan gum

2       gram        salt

1       gram      ground cardamom

4       grams      vanilla extract

A few drops of food coloring (green, red, white, blues)


1.     Place butter and sugar in the bowl of a standing mixer fitted with the paddle attachment. Cream until light and fluffy.

2.    Add white rice flour, tapioca starch, cornstarch, cardamom, and salt. Mix until just combined.

3.     Mix in vanilla extract.

4.     Divide into 3 equal portions of 190 grams and place each in separate small bowls. Mix in a few drops of different food colorings to each bowl and mix each until thoroughly combined.

6.     Remove the plain dough from bowl and place onto plastic wrap or parchment paper. Cover with another piece of plastic or parchment paper. Using a rolling pin, roll to an 8”x9” rectangle. Fold plastic wrap or parchment to cover and place on a flat baking sheet.

7.     Repeat with the green dough and then the red dough and place each on top of the plain dough rectangle package. Transfer baking sheet to refrigerator and chill until firm, at least 30 minutes.

8.     Once chilled, take the red dough and unwrap plastic or parchment paper, leaving the dough on the sheet but opening up the top side. Do the same with the green dough and then flip on top of the red dough to stack, fitting as closely as possible. Gently press the doughs together. Remove all plastic or parchment. Repeat with the plain on top.

9.     Once all three doughs are layered, use a rolling pin to roll thinner to ¼” thickness.

10.   Using the plastic or parchment as a guide, roll the dough along the longest side like a jelly roll. While rolling the dough, gently curl the edge with your fingertips so you don’t get any air pockets as you roll the dough into a log.

11.   Wrap the log in plastic wrap and refrigerate or freeze until firm enough to slice, at least 1 hour in the freezer or 2 hours in the refrigerator.*

12.   Preheat oven to 300F. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper or a non-stick baking mat.

13.   Using a serrated knife, slice the dough into about ½” thick cookies, cutting carefully to ensure even slices.

14.   Place cut cookies on prepared sheet pan. Bake in preheated oven until light in color and just barely crisp, about 20 minutes.

15.   Cool completely. ENJOY!

*Cookie dough can be frozen for up to 3 months.

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