My Favorite Pie Dough

My Favorite Pie Dough

Equipment Needed

food processor

large bowl

rolling pin


280 g (2 ½ sticks) Butter, ice cold, cubed

350 g (3 c minus 1 tsp) AP Flour

25 g (1 ½ Tbsp) Sugar

5 g (1 ½ tsp) Kosher Salt

+/- 120 g (+/-  ½ c) Water, ice cold


Combine ⅔ of the flour with all of the sugar and salt in the food processor and add the cold butter cubes. Pulse the mixer until the butter is fine pebbles. Transfer this mixture into a bowl and toss the remaining ⅓ of the flour in by hand to incorporate.

Pour in ⅓ of the cold water and gently distribute the liquid evenly with a claw-like hand. DO NOT MIX OR NEED, think more like you’re tossing a salad to coat the lettuce evenly in dressing. Once the water is disbursed, add another ⅓ of the water and distribute in the same way. The mixture should look like a crumble, not a cohesive dough. Keep diligently breaking up any chunks that hold liquid. Keep adding little splashes of water until mixture doesn’t look dusty anymore, the flour is fully hydrated, but still crumbly. You may need a little less or more than what’s called for.

Press & squeeze the dough together in the bowl (again, not mixing or kneading it) into a rectangular shape.  Lay out a piece of plastic wrap on the counter and flip the bowl upside down on top of the plastic, letting the dough fall onto it. Gather any bits left in the bowl and press them into your dough.

Press & squeeze the dough into a nice rectangle, patting the top flat. Wrap & refrigerate for at least 2 hours, preferably overnight, to chill the butter and also rest the gluten.

Once the dough has chilled & rested, remove from the plastic wrap and cut it in half. Keep one half in the fridge while you roll out the other. Lightly flour your work surface and the piece of dough. Squeeze the corners of your square dough in with the palms of your hands until it’s a round shape. Roll the dough out to just under ¼” thickness, rotating the dough a quarter frequently as you roll it so it stays evenly round and making sure that it’s not sticking to the counter.

Line your pie pan with the dough, trim excess, crimp the edges, and put back in the fridge for at least an hour, preferably overnight. From here follow your pie recipe’s directions for filling & baking.

If you’re going to use the other half of the dough for a top crust or another pie, follow the same steps again. If not, it can stay wrapped in the fridge for up to 3 days or frozen for up to 2 months.

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Learn how to make an amazingly flaky & tender pie dough to use for anything. Incredibly versatile, this dough is all-purpose and all-butter. I’ll show you my tips and tricks for a perfect crust every time.

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