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Alicia CrawfordAlicia Crawford
I believe that the way we cook and prepare food is an expression of who we are on the inside and it is also a way to show our good intension towards ourselves and others. Since food is a form of energy, we as chefs and home cooks alike are able to pour our own energy into food, making it not only fun, but through intension it can also be high vibrational and healing. Through our intension we are able to boost the benefits of otherwise already healthy food! How awesome is that!
My approach to food is that of healing, satisfying, fun and of course beautiful in every way possible! What ever I cook/prepare I do my best to do it in a way that touches people so much so that it inspires them to eat better, be better and express more love with others… So with my “Chef’s Kiss” I send you all love and it is my wish for you to have more peace of mind, joy in your heart and of course vibrant health!