Mushroom & Salmon Croquette Sandwich

Mushroom & Salmon Croquette Sandwich

Mushroom & Salmon Croquette Sandwich




Two Mixing Bowls

Cutting Board


Airtight container





2 Julienne slices Red onion

2 Bias cuts Carrotsor 1 larger one

4 Thinly sliced rounds Radishes

¼ Minced jalapeno

1 cup Granulated sugar

1 pinch Kosher salt

about 1 1/2 to 2 teaspoons

2 cups White vinegar


¼ cup Water

(if you want to dilute the sharpness)



Two Mixing Bowls

Cutting Board


Airtight container



1 mini savory Cabbage

or half a regular size

3 Kirby Cucumber or 4 Persian cucumbers

2 tablespoons Kosher salt

1/2 teaspoons cayenne pepper

½ teaspoons crushed red pepper


½ teaspoon cumin

¼ teaspoon allspice

2 tablespoons Paprika

2 teaspoon ground black pepper

1 jalapeno

2 tablespoons Grapeseed oil

1 cup white vinegar



2 Egg Yolk 

16 Oz. Grapeseed Oil  

1 TBSP Mustard

TT Salt 

TT Pepper 

1 Oz. Vinegar



2 Ounces Grapeseed. 

    Definitely not Olive Oil

16 to 20 Ounce White Vinegar

4 Button Mushrooms

1 Yellow Onion - Large, sliced

1 Red Onion - Medium, sliced

4 Sprigs Oregano (stem included)

3 Sprigs Thyme (stem included)

1 Yellow Bell Pepper

1 Red Bell Pepper

2 Jalapeños

Salt and Pepper - To Taste (TT)



5 - larger White Mushrooms

1/4 Portobello (Scraps) minced 

1 Stalk - Celery Minced

1/4 Green Bell Pepper - Minced

1/4 Yellow Onion - Minced

4 - 5 tablespoons Yellow Mustard

1 1/2 tablespoons grapeseed oil - plus more for cooking

16 oz canned salmon

1 1.2  teaspoons Paprika

1/2 teaspoon cayenne

Salt and Pepper - to taste



1 Portobello per person

1 pinch of Salt

1 pinch Black Pepper

1 pinch of paprika

1 pinch allspice

Grapeseed Oil as needed


Kale Pickle Slaw:


1 - 2 Ounces Grapeseed Oil

1 Bunch Kale

Salt and Pepper - TT

¼ cup Sweet Pickles, drained

¼ cup Spicy Pickles, drained




Step 1

In to a mixing bowl, add sliced red onions and (cleaned) sliced radishes

Step 2

Clean and slice carrots and 1/4 jalapeno and set to the side

Step 3

In your saucepan: add vinegar, sugar, and salt and whisk in until everything is dissolved. Add onions and radishes. Bring up to boil and down to a simmer. Approx 20 minutes

Step 4

Add carrots (the longer they simmer - the sweeter the condiment will be)Turn off the heat and add jalapenos

Step 1

In to a mixing bowl, add sliced red onions and (cleaned) sliced radishes

Step 2

Clean and slice carrots and 1/4 jalapeno and set to the side

Step 3

In your saucepan: add vinegar, sugar, and salt and whisk in until everything is dissolved. Add onions and radishes. Bring up to boil and down to a simmer. Approx 20 minutes

Step 4

Add carrots (the longer they simmer - the sweeter the condiment will be)Turn off the heat and add jalapenos



Step 1

Clean and slice your cucumbers (remember then are going on a sandwich)

Step 2

Add them to a bowl and salt them with 1 tablespoon of salt. Let sit for at least 30 minutes to extract the water

*NOTE - if you feel like your butter is melting or not as cold as it was when you started, stop and put it in the fridge. I know it takes longer but it would be worse if you did all that work for it not to come out right in the baking process!

Step 3

In another bowl; add cabbage slices, sliced jalapenos, salt, cayenne, red pepper flakes, paprika, allspice, cumin, and grapeseed oil.

Incorporate well.

Step 4

Add cucumbers into the mixture, try to get as little liquid out of the bowl as possible.Fold cucumbers inAdd Black pepper

At least 30 minutes however, the longer the fermentation the better.approx 3 days

Step 1

Clean and slice your cucumbers (remember then are going on a sandwich)

Step 2

Add them to a bowl and salt them with 1 tablespoon of salt. Let sit for at least 30 minutes to extract the water

*NOTE - if you feel like your butter is melting or not as cold as it was when you started, stop and put it in the fridge. I know it takes longer but it would be worse if you did all that work for it not to come out right in the baking process!

Step 3

In another bowl; add cabbage slices, sliced jalapenos, salt, cayenne, red pepper flakes, paprika, allspice, cumin, and grapeseed oil.

Incorporate well.

Step 4

Add cucumbers into the mixture, try to get as little liquid out of the bowl as possible.Fold cucumbers inAdd Black pepper

At least 30 minutes however, the longer the fermentation the better.approx 3 days



Step 1

Separate the yolks from the whites of your eggs.

Step 2

In a *mixing bowl, add your yolks, and begin whisking.  REMEMBER - The goal of whisking is to not only mix/incorporate but also to add air, we aren't necessarily stirring to stir. The yolks will begin to not be loose and jiggle as you whisk.

Step 3

Add your *mustard, whisk, and make sure to incorporate well.

Here's the thing

 - the mustard does two things: It cuts through the fat from the oil (grapeseed oil) and the fattiness of the egg yolks

Step 4

Add in the *grapeseed oil. When starting this needs to be done in the smallest increments at a time. I will not lie to you, when starting this will feel like it is taking foreverrrr.

But, I don't want you to focus on that! Pay attention to what is happening as you are adding the oil, Is it holding together? looking smooth and creamy? Or is it giving “oil and water don't mix”, because if it is you need to stop adding oil and focus on whisking.

Once you get ½ way through the oil, you can begin to incorporate the oil in faster increments.

Step 5

Once all the oil is added; you want to salt and pepper to taste

Step 6

Finish the Mayo off by adding the *vinegar. This will thin out your consistency, giving you a less yellowish color, and help add acidity

Step 1

Separate the yolks from the whites of your eggs.

Step 2

In a *mixing bowl, add your yolks, and begin whisking.  REMEMBER - The goal of whisking is to not only mix/incorporate but also to add air, we aren't necessarily stirring to stir. The yolks will begin to not be loose and jiggle as you whisk.

Step 3

Add your *mustard, whisk, and make sure to incorporate well.

Here's the thing

 - the mustard does two things: It cuts through the fat from the oil (grapeseed oil) and the fattiness of the egg yolks

Step 4

Add in the *grapeseed oil. When starting this needs to be done in the smallest increments at a time. I will not lie to you, when starting this will feel like it is taking foreverrrr.

But, I don't want you to focus on that! Pay attention to what is happening as you are adding the oil, Is it holding together? looking smooth and creamy? Or is it giving “oil and water don't mix”, because if it is you need to stop adding oil and focus on whisking.

Once you get ½ way through the oil, you can begin to incorporate the oil in faster increments.

Step 5

Once all the oil is added; you want to salt and pepper to taste

Step 6

Finish the Mayo off by adding the *vinegar. This will thin out your consistency, giving you a less yellowish color, and help add acidity



Step 1

Preheat your Oven to 450

Step 2

Rinse and slice all the *Mushrooms, Onions, Jalapeños, and Bell peppers.

Step 3

Place ALL ingredients on a baking sheet.

Drizzle Over 4 ounces of *Oil.

Salt and Pepper to taste

 Step 4

Roast in the oven for 25 - 35 minutes on 425

 Step 5

Let cool slightly, enough for you to handle, and Blend EVERYTHING until completely smooth.

You may need to blend this twice.

 Step 6

Once Blended add to a pot on medium-high heat for about 8 - 10 minutes and whisk to incorporate well.

 Step 7

Allow to cool and store in an airtight container in the fridge (for better shelf life) or in a cool dark place

Friends, this is so easy, you'll never buy Hot Sauce again

Step 1

Preheat your Oven to 450

Step 2

Rinse and slice all the *Mushrooms, Onions, Jalapeños, and Bell peppers.

Step 3

Place ALL ingredients on a baking sheet.

Drizzle Over 4 ounces of *Oil.

Salt and Pepper to taste

 Step 4

Roast in the oven for 25 - 35 minutes on 425

 Step 5

Let cool slightly, enough for you to handle, and Blend EVERYTHING until completely smooth.

You may need to blend this twice.

 Step 6

Once Blended add to a pot on medium-high heat for about 8 - 10 minutes and whisk to incorporate well.

 Step 7

Allow to cool and store in an airtight container in the fridge (for better shelf life) or in a cool dark place

Friends, this is so easy, you'll never buy Hot Sauce again



Step 1

Clean and Mince all veg

Step 2

Remove bones from canned salmon and add to mixing bowl

Step 3

Mix all ingredients well by hand, began to press and shape (not mash together) - makes about 3 -4 patties

Step 4

Saute pan, flame on medium-high heat, add oil, allow to shimmer

Step 5

Add croquette and cook until golden brown and fairly crispy on each side

Step 1

Clean and Mince all veg

Step 2

Remove bones from canned salmon and add to mixing bowl

Step 3

Mix all ingredients well by hand, began to press and shape (not mash together) - makes about 3 -4 patties

Step 4

Saute pan, flame on medium-high heat, add oil, allow to shimmer

Step 5

Add croquette and cook until golden brown and fairly crispy on each side



Step 1

Cut and trim Portobello into a square - use scraps for the croquettes.

Step 2

Oil the top of the mushroom and season with all ingredients.

Step 3

Saute pan, medium-high heat, add oil.

Step 4

Once the oil is shimmering, add mushroom seasoned side down (aka the top of the mushroom)

Step 5

Sear and repeat on both sides until it has good caramelization.


Kale Pickle Slaw

Step 1

Clean and rub the lemon on the leaves. And, let rest for 15 to 20 minutes to tenderize.

Step 2

Slice kale in large ribbons.

Add to mixing bowl, add oil, salt, and pepper.

Step 3

Add pickles and toss.

Note: you can add equal parts of pickles.

OR decide if you want it sweeter or spicier and you can adjust.

Step 1

Clean and rub the lemon on the leaves. And, let rest for 15 to 20 minutes to tenderize.

Step 2

Slice kale in large ribbons.

Add to mixing bowl, add oil, salt, and pepper.

Step 3

Add pickles and toss.

Note: you can add equal parts of pickles.

OR decide if you want it sweeter or spicier and you can adjust.

Bun: Brioche 

Assembly: In a saute pan on medium-high heat

                    Add 1 1/2 tbsp grapeseed oil

                   Once shimmering toast inside and outside of the top and bottom bun.


Bottom Bum



Hot Sauce

Kale Pickle Slaw

Tomato Slice


Topped with Mayo on the top Bun

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Mushroom and Salmon Croquette Sandwich

Mushroom and Salmon Croquette Sandwich

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