
Tuesday Tea Party! Ratatouille Crepe Cake Edition

Hellllllo lovelies! I am thrilled to invite you into my home once a week for a tea party! Each stream we’ll make something delicious and relatively simple to pair with a different tea and sit down and have a cuppa together. Is that how the British say it? I’m pretty sure that’s how they say it. Okie, let’s party!

This week we’re doing ratatouille crepe cake! You’ve seen the movie, you’ve looked at the New York Times recipe and thought wow, I don’t have time for that, now let’s make it even more complicated! Bringing to you the savory mashup you didn't know you needed, buckwheat crepes will be layered with ratatouille and pesto ricotta to make a towering impressive dream of cake. Can’t wait to see you!

xx M

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