Red Pepper Sugo

Red Pepper Sugo

This is a great sauce base that utilizes peppers at the peak of the summer. I prefer jimmy nardellos for this recipe, but you can use red bell peppers if you don’t have a farmer’s market nearby.

Think of it as an Italian salsa.

I’m serving this for my tagliatelle livestream and garnishing with roasted chicken, dill, and blue cheese. Stoner Buffaloing Chicken Pasta!


1lbs jimmy fardello pepeprs

1ea shallot

5 cloves garlic

1/2 white onion

1tbp tomato paste or 1ea San Marzano tomato

extra virgin olive oil / salt / sherry vinegar to taste

optional herbs or aromatics (oregano, thyme, rosemary)


1. Peel your garlic, onion and shallot.

2. Slice all of the vegetables thinly.

3. toss with olive oil and place under the broiler until roasted.

4. once soft and browned, place in a blender and puree until smooth.

5. Season with sherry vinegar and salt to taste.

6. cool and use as you wish.

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Roasted Red Pepper Tagliatelle

In most places it is the peak of summer right now. Which means peppers of all varieties are POPPING OFF! If you check out your local farmer’s market you can find a variety of Italian sweet and spicy peppers that you can use in this recipe.

Worst case scenario you make this in the spring and use red bell peppers or pre roasted jarred peppers.

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