
Spicebush Molasses Cookies

Spicebush and apple molasses make these soft cookies a warm and comforting treat. Perfectly balanced between sweet, toasty, and spicy, they’re best enjoyed with a glass of your favorite wild milk.

What do spicebush berries taste like?

Spicebush berries (or spiceberries) are a staple in the wild pantry for many in the Eastern United States. Their fruity-spicy flavor is similar to allspice, but their application is versatile. Spiceberries can be used in place of white pepper, cloves, mace, nutmeg, cardamom – just about anywhere you’d use a warm spice!

What does apple molasses taste like?

It comes as no surprise that apple molasses tastes like, well, apples and molasses! Also called Cider Syrup, it’s essentially a highly concentrated apple cider. Traditionally, wild apple are collected, turned into cider, and then boiled down until thickened. It has a signature sweet-toasty flavor that pops in both sweet and savory application.

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Spicebush Molasses Cookies


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