Chocolate Souffle

Chocolate Souffle



Fresh Egg Whites 300g

Granulated Sugar 120g

70% Chocolate 150g

Creme Anglaise

Heavy cream 150g

Milk 150g

Sugar 70g

Yolks 70g

Vanilla bean 1/4 bean



1. In the bowl of a stand mixer whisk the egg whites and sugar over a gentle heat double boiler.

2. Heat the mixture to 45C  and then whisk in the mixer on medium speed.

3. In the meantime, melt the chocolate to 32C over the double boiler.

4. Incorporate gently and divide between 4 buttered ramekins.

5. Bake at 375F for about 10-12 minutes.

6. Serve with cooled vanilla creme anglaise.

1. In the bowl of a stand mixer whisk the egg whites and sugar over a gentle heat double boiler.

2. Heat the mixture to 45C  and then whisk in the mixer on medium speed.

3. In the meantime, melt the chocolate to 32C over the double boiler.

4. Incorporate gently and divide between 4 buttered ramekins.

5. Bake at 375F for about 10-12 minutes.

6. Serve with cooled vanilla creme anglaise.

Creme Anglaise

1. Heat the dairy, sugar and vanilla bean until simmering

2. Temper the yolks and gently cook to 81C.

3. Strain and cool over an ice bath. Keeps up to 4 days.

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Chocolate Soufflé with Crème Anglaise

Chocolate Soufflé with Crème Anglaise

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